Yardzee ScoreCard - Laminated
8.5 x 11" double sided laminated score cards.
- Made of sturdy Card Stock (8.5" x 11") with Scorecard On Both Sides!!
- Completely Waterproof to the Elements or the Occasional Spilled Drink
- Handcrafted and laminated carefully to ensure high-quality; Dry erase marker or grease pencil makes using these scorecards over and over again a breeze
- Reusable
Yardzee Game (with Farkle & Cootie scorecards included) available at https://islandgirldezigns.com/shop/giant-yardzee-farkle-cootie-lawn-yahtzee-yard-yahtzee-family-games-fathers-day-gift-for-dad-weddings-outdoor-yard-dice/
Get these extra cards for your game! Please let me know if you have any questions at all, I'm always happy to answer them! Let's have some fun!
Thank you for shopping with us!